Unbearable Lightness by Portia De Rossi

( ) The author is a famous actress from the show Ally McBeal. She plays one of the leading lawyers in the television special. In her personal life, Rossi is secretly struggling with hiding both her homosexuality as well as her debilitating body dysmorphia; this ultimately leads her into severe anorexia. As is expected, Rossi…

Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins

( ) What I found intriguing about this book was the concept of a “callused mind”. I would love to be able to strengthen my work ethic and emotions. Everyone has ambitions, and if the recipe to obtaining our highest goals is to expose our minds and will to limits we haven’t tested before –…

Brain Maker by David Perlmutter

( ) What intrigued me about this book was its presented focus on how the gut microbiome affects both medical and mental health. It’s become apparent to many medical practitioners and researchers that there is a strong link between our digestive system and our mind. Although Perlmutter had a lot of good data and opinions…

Food: A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan

(  ) Yes yes, I know I have been reading a lot of books about food lately, but this book is from a different point of view altogether. Gaffigan goes into detail about his adoration for food and all things delicious. He has a strong conviction that the pleasure he feels from eating outweighs any…

The Food Revolution by John Robbins

(  ) My first question when I was recommended this book was, “Is John Robbins related to Tony Robbins?” No, in fact, John Robbins is related to the founder/owner of Baskin Robbins. He gave up the partial ownership of family company he was set to inherit. Through his own investigation, he observed what the dairy…

The China Study by Colin T. Campbell

(  ) Campbell is a brilliant scientist and doctor, but not quite as fun to read as some of his counterparts (e.g. Dr. Greger). However, I did learn a lot from this book. The China Study is the largest nutrition-based study of its kind – and it started the plant-based revolution that is occurring today….

The Wellness Project by Phoebe Lapine

(  ) Again, another book I was interested in due to it’s focus on health – most especially holistically. This is not a book for entertainment, and the author makes that preface within the first chapter. This book is to chronicle her time focusing on how to heal her body, which seemed to be only…

Whole by Colin T. Campbell, PhD

(  ) If you know me, you know I’ve become highly active in trying to expand my breadth of knowledge in plant-based eating and nutrition nowadays. I was warned Campbell’s books were tedious, he repeated himself a lot, and he goes off on tangents about philosophy and corruption between the food companies and political/health organizations….

The Girls’ Guide to Love and Supper Clubs by Dana Bate

(  ) Living out your career to get familial approval will never be something I can relate to. However, it seems to be very prevalent for the main character here. She knows her true passion is for cooking, but both her family and significant other continually tell her that being a chef is not a…

How Not To Die by Michael Greger, M.D.

(  ) This book has literally changed my life. When I first got it, I almost returned it when I realized it was basically a vegan-promoting book. I am so glad I didn’t, because it is not. A plant-based diet can also be called an evidence-based diet, as it is the only diet known throughout…